Kevin Federline has sole custody of Spears’ children

Courtesy of Kill the Sep 2009

Courtesy of Kill the Sep 2009

Some celebrity news outlets have been fooling fans for nearly two years now into believing that Britney Spears has gained increased custody since the conservatorship began in Feb. 2008.

“Kevin has sole custody over his children,” says Mark Vincent Kaplan who is Federline’s attorney.

Spears has visitation which is the “equivalent” says Kaplan to Fair News Spears.

She does not have an iota of custody. While Kaplan has detailed this in the past in at least one video interview with E! Entertainment, some Spears’ fans continue in false belief and argue at sites such that she has 50/50 custody for which the conservatorship is responsible.

Meanwhile, celebrity news outlets such as TMZ continue to perpetuate the false story on custody. Why?

On the side, negative reports surfaced today at TMZ on Federline’s housekeeping and the suitability of his home for children. Kaplan refused comment.

It is yet unknown whether Spears’ children will be allowed to accompany her on the final leg of the tour beginning in a month in Australia.


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